The Governor of the State of Georgia declared a Public Health State of Emergency on March 14, 2020, in which local officials were urged to act in the best interests of the city to safeguard and promote the health and safety of the City of Cochran.
A city council meeting will be held at the City Auditorium at 7pm on Thursday, April 30, 2020. The Governor has stated a meeting cannot be held with more than ten people and for this reason the public cannot attend.
Because of the above, we will have no public comment period at this meeting.
Citizens can log on to with meeting ID code or access code 233-460-861 or you can call in to 1-646-749-3112 and use meeting ID 233-460-861.
This will allow citizens to listen to the Special Called Meeting.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at