City Area
- 4.2 Square Miles
- Geographical Location - Latitude 32.39 N, Longitude 83.35 W
Population (2010 Census):
- 2,350 (45.6% Males)
- 2,800 (54.4% Females)
- Under 18 - 1,116 (21.7%)
- 18 and over - 4,034 (78.3%)
- Ages 20-24 – 638
- Ages 25-34 – 486
- Ages 35-49 – 711
- Ages 50-64 – 29
- Ages 65 and over – 667
- Median Age - 36.7
- Hispanic or Latino – 94
- Non-Hispanic or Latino - 5,056
- White - 2,480
- African American - 2,498
- Asian - 83
- American Indian and Alaskan Native - 3
- Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander - 2
- Other – 27
- Identified by two or more - 57
Household Data
- Average Household size - 2.4
- Percent of Family Households - 66.1
- Median Household Income - $24,160
- Mean Household Income - $47,298
- Median House/Condo Value - $62,300
- Median Gross Rent - $623
Most Commonly Used House Heating Fuel
- Electricity (75%)
- Utility Gas (23%)
- Bottle, Tank, or LP Gas (.8%)
- Fuel Oil, Kerosene, Wood, etc. (1.2%)
Level of Education for Population 25 Years and Older
- High School or Higher (72.1%)
- Bachelor's degree or higher (12.3%)
- Graduate or Professional Degree (5.5%)
Economic Data
Unemployment Rate
Class of Worker (civilian employed populate 16 years and over)
- Private Wage and Salary Workers (76.6%)
- Government Workers (22.8%)
- Self-Employed in Own Not Incorporated Business Workers (.6%)
Industry (civilian employed populate 16 years and over)
- Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting, and Mining (7.9%)
- Construction (1.1%)
- Manufacturing (10.7%)
- Wholesale Trade (2.5%)
- Retail Trade (11.2%)
- Transportation and Warehousing, and Utilities (4.6%)
- Finance and Insurance, and Real Estate and Rental and Leasing (1.4%)
- Professional, Scientific, Management, Administrative and Waste Management (4.3%)
- Educational Services, and Health Care and Social Assistance (19.2%)
- Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation, and Accommodation and Food Services (18.9%)
- Other Services, Except Public Administration (12.7%)
- Public Administration (5.5%)
Additional Demographic Data for Cochran and Bleckley County
2014 Georgia Department of Economic Development