The City of Cochran Zoning Committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the City Auditorium located at 102 North Second Street.
You can access the meeting by calling 1-646-749-3112 with access code 498-926-629 or and enter same code 498-926-629.
The following items will be discussed:
- 1. Public Hearing on recommending rezoning of a vacant .23-acre tract at 112 South Fifth Street from R-1 Residential to R-2 Residential and consider a variance to allow a minimum parcel width of 52 feet rather than a 75-foot minimum.
- 2. Public Hearing on recommending a conditional rezoning of a vacant 10-acre tract located at 386 North Ash Street from C-2 Commercial to R-2 Residential
.- 3. Discuss Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map update.